More on Immigration
Immigration is a complicated issue. It's helpful to have some background and there is nothing better than to watch the video, "U.S. Immigration - The Basics" by Alyson Ball. She is a Samaritan, working with asylum seekers, refugees and immigrants in Arizona and Virginia. She keeps up-to-date on immigration issues and gives presentations throughout the U.S. This 53-minute video will get you acquainted with basic immigration history, law and practice.
Follow up “Immigration - The Basics” with Alyson’s fact-based presentation about the U.S. - Mexican border, asylum-seekers, and some of the recent changes the U.S. government has made to the immigration laws that affect northbound migrants. You can inform others by sharing the PowerPoint presentation, “What is Really Happening on the Southern Border” Or watch a more recent June 2021 Webinar "What's Happening on our Southern Border???" presented by Alyson and Susie; it focuses on national policy and procedure, as well as local action.
Alyson has produced a comprehensive booklet she provides during her presentations, "Getting (More) Involved With U.S. Immigration". In it, she recommends videos, publications and newsletters to inform you on national matters. Her handout will also inspire you to learn about the issues in your state. It will give you ideas of what you can do for immigrants in your community.
Alyson Ball speaks of The State of Immigration as of January 2021. She begins with a brief history of immigration and continues with how policies have changed to the present.
Read about the strategy of the National Immigration Forum. By scrolling down to the red box, you can sign up for the excellent email newsletter, Noorani's Notes.
For a comprehensive and updated picture of immigration in the borderlands, experience the reflections, podcasts and presentations during the 2020 Alternative Migrant Trail Walk and more Resources.
During a recent Border Community Alliance forum, Author Francisco Cantú shared a list of Migrant Detention Resources.
Follow up “Immigration - The Basics” with Alyson’s fact-based presentation about the U.S. - Mexican border, asylum-seekers, and some of the recent changes the U.S. government has made to the immigration laws that affect northbound migrants. You can inform others by sharing the PowerPoint presentation, “What is Really Happening on the Southern Border” Or watch a more recent June 2021 Webinar "What's Happening on our Southern Border???" presented by Alyson and Susie; it focuses on national policy and procedure, as well as local action.
Alyson has produced a comprehensive booklet she provides during her presentations, "Getting (More) Involved With U.S. Immigration". In it, she recommends videos, publications and newsletters to inform you on national matters. Her handout will also inspire you to learn about the issues in your state. It will give you ideas of what you can do for immigrants in your community.
Alyson Ball speaks of The State of Immigration as of January 2021. She begins with a brief history of immigration and continues with how policies have changed to the present.
Read about the strategy of the National Immigration Forum. By scrolling down to the red box, you can sign up for the excellent email newsletter, Noorani's Notes.
For a comprehensive and updated picture of immigration in the borderlands, experience the reflections, podcasts and presentations during the 2020 Alternative Migrant Trail Walk and more Resources.
During a recent Border Community Alliance forum, Author Francisco Cantú shared a list of Migrant Detention Resources.
Southern Border Communities CoalitionSamaritans, as members of the Southern Border Communities Coalition, believe in and work toward "A New Border Vision."
These are Values for A New Border Vision: