Please consider signing up directly for emails and information from any of these organizations.

Ajo Samaritans
The Ajo Samaritans are people of conscience continuing the historical work of providing humanitarian aid to desert travelers in the Ajo, Arizona area. Their mission is to relieve suffering and save lives of people crossing Arizona's desert.
Arizona Immigration Alliance (AZIA)
AZIA is a progressive activist alliance based in Greater Green Valley focusing on issue-based political action. The AZIA Team focuses on immigration issues.
Border Community Alliance
The Border Community Alliance offers access to the rich heritage and great potential synergy to be found in the Arizona and Sonoran borderlands. Activities include education, research, cultural exchange, cross-border tours, leadership development and advocacy for social welfare in partnership with FESAC (Fundacion del Empresario Sonorense, A.C.), a Sonoran non-governmental organization.
BorderLinks is a nonprofit educational organization based in Tucson, Arizona that connects people to the reality of the U.S.-Mexico borderlands and immigrant communities in the United States.
Colibri Center for Human Rights
The Colibrí Center for Human Rights is a family advocacy nonprofit based in Tucson, Arizona. They work with families, forensic scientists and humanitarians to end migrant death and related suffering on the U.S. and Mexico border. They are perhaps best known for their Missing Migrant Project, which connects medical examiner data for missing and unidentified migrants with families.
Derechos Humanos
Derechos Humanos (No More Deaths) is a grassroots organization promoting the human and civil rights of all migrants regardless of their immigration status. They fight the militarization of the southern border and combat the discrimination and human rights abuses of citizens and non-citizens alike.
Humane Borders
Humane Borders, motivated by faith, offers humanitarian assistance to those in need through the deployment of emergency water stations on routes known to be used by migrants coming north through our desert. Their sole mission is to take death out of the immigration equation.
Keep Tucson Together
Keep Tucson Together (KTT) offers legal clinics in Tucson one weekday evening and alternate Saturdays. Pro-bono lawyers and volunteers help with applications for asylum, bond packets, 42B Cancellation of Removal and citizenship applications. Spanish or legal training is not required.
Kino Border Initiative (El Comedor)
The Kino Border Initiative (KBI), inaugurated in 2009, is a binational organization located in Nogales, Arizona and Nogales, Sonora.
KBI operates El Comedor which provides two meals a day to migrant men, women and children deported, passing through or awaiting asylum in Nogales, Sonora. El Comedor distributes clothing and personal care items, refers people to Mexican government services, renders first aid and operates Nazareth House. Nazareth House shelters migrant women and children in a safe space where they can bathe, eat, sleep, call their families and reflect on their experience. Early in 2020, a new shelter with expanded beds, dining space and social and legal services will open.
Mi Familia Vota
Mi Familia Vota Education Fund (MFVEF) is a national non-profit organization working in six states to unite the Latino community and its allies to promote social and economic justice through increased civic participation. They expand the electorate through direct citizenship work, voter registration, census education, Get Out the Vote efforts, and issue organizing in key states.
No More Deaths
No More Deaths is a humanitarian activist organization based in southern Arizona. They began in 2004, dedicated to stepping up efforts to stop the deaths of migrants in the desert. They enact their faith-based principles with direct work in the desert and research leading to reports and analyses of the deadly consequences of existing immigration policy and practice.
People Helping People/Arivaca Humanitarian Aid Office
People Helping People (PHP) is a grassroots group in Arivaca, Arizona. Formed primarily to assist all local residents in providing multiple kinds of humanitarian support, PHP also provides direct aid. It staffs and maintains the Humanitarian Aid Office in downtown Arivaca.
School Sisters of Notre Dame
The School Sisters of Notre Dame (SSND) are serving in Douglas, Arizona. Their ministry includes cross planting at sites of recovered human remains in Cochise County and placing water in the desert near Ajo, Arizona. They also do cross border work with migrants in Agua Prieta, Sonora.
Sierra Club Borderlands
Part of the Grand Canyon Chapter of the Sierra Club, the Borderlands group takes a strong stance against border policies that cause environmental degradation. They seek to restore and protect the borderlands that have been damaged by misguided border policies.
Southern Border Communities Coalition
The Southern Border Communities Coalition (SBCC) brings together 60 organizations from San Diego, CA to Brownsville, TX. The SBCC works to ensure that border enforcement policies and practices are accountable and fair, respect human dignity and human rights, and prevent the loss of life in the region. It aims to promote policies and solutions that improve the quality of life in border communities, that advance a positive image of the border region, and that support rational and humane immigration reform policies as opposed to militarization. See Border Lens for a real-time resource about immigration issues on the southern border.
Tucson Samaritans
Samaritans are people of faith and conscience who are responding directly and pragmatically to the crisis at the U.S. and Mexico border. Tucson Samaritans are a diverse volunteer group, united in their desire to relieve suffering among migrants regardless of status and to honor human dignity.
The Ajo Samaritans are people of conscience continuing the historical work of providing humanitarian aid to desert travelers in the Ajo, Arizona area. Their mission is to relieve suffering and save lives of people crossing Arizona's desert.
Arizona Immigration Alliance (AZIA)
AZIA is a progressive activist alliance based in Greater Green Valley focusing on issue-based political action. The AZIA Team focuses on immigration issues.
Border Community Alliance
The Border Community Alliance offers access to the rich heritage and great potential synergy to be found in the Arizona and Sonoran borderlands. Activities include education, research, cultural exchange, cross-border tours, leadership development and advocacy for social welfare in partnership with FESAC (Fundacion del Empresario Sonorense, A.C.), a Sonoran non-governmental organization.
BorderLinks is a nonprofit educational organization based in Tucson, Arizona that connects people to the reality of the U.S.-Mexico borderlands and immigrant communities in the United States.
Colibri Center for Human Rights
The Colibrí Center for Human Rights is a family advocacy nonprofit based in Tucson, Arizona. They work with families, forensic scientists and humanitarians to end migrant death and related suffering on the U.S. and Mexico border. They are perhaps best known for their Missing Migrant Project, which connects medical examiner data for missing and unidentified migrants with families.
Derechos Humanos
Derechos Humanos (No More Deaths) is a grassroots organization promoting the human and civil rights of all migrants regardless of their immigration status. They fight the militarization of the southern border and combat the discrimination and human rights abuses of citizens and non-citizens alike.
Humane Borders
Humane Borders, motivated by faith, offers humanitarian assistance to those in need through the deployment of emergency water stations on routes known to be used by migrants coming north through our desert. Their sole mission is to take death out of the immigration equation.
Keep Tucson Together
Keep Tucson Together (KTT) offers legal clinics in Tucson one weekday evening and alternate Saturdays. Pro-bono lawyers and volunteers help with applications for asylum, bond packets, 42B Cancellation of Removal and citizenship applications. Spanish or legal training is not required.
Kino Border Initiative (El Comedor)
The Kino Border Initiative (KBI), inaugurated in 2009, is a binational organization located in Nogales, Arizona and Nogales, Sonora.
KBI operates El Comedor which provides two meals a day to migrant men, women and children deported, passing through or awaiting asylum in Nogales, Sonora. El Comedor distributes clothing and personal care items, refers people to Mexican government services, renders first aid and operates Nazareth House. Nazareth House shelters migrant women and children in a safe space where they can bathe, eat, sleep, call their families and reflect on their experience. Early in 2020, a new shelter with expanded beds, dining space and social and legal services will open.
Mi Familia Vota
Mi Familia Vota Education Fund (MFVEF) is a national non-profit organization working in six states to unite the Latino community and its allies to promote social and economic justice through increased civic participation. They expand the electorate through direct citizenship work, voter registration, census education, Get Out the Vote efforts, and issue organizing in key states.
No More Deaths
No More Deaths is a humanitarian activist organization based in southern Arizona. They began in 2004, dedicated to stepping up efforts to stop the deaths of migrants in the desert. They enact their faith-based principles with direct work in the desert and research leading to reports and analyses of the deadly consequences of existing immigration policy and practice.
People Helping People/Arivaca Humanitarian Aid Office
People Helping People (PHP) is a grassroots group in Arivaca, Arizona. Formed primarily to assist all local residents in providing multiple kinds of humanitarian support, PHP also provides direct aid. It staffs and maintains the Humanitarian Aid Office in downtown Arivaca.
School Sisters of Notre Dame
The School Sisters of Notre Dame (SSND) are serving in Douglas, Arizona. Their ministry includes cross planting at sites of recovered human remains in Cochise County and placing water in the desert near Ajo, Arizona. They also do cross border work with migrants in Agua Prieta, Sonora.
Sierra Club Borderlands
Part of the Grand Canyon Chapter of the Sierra Club, the Borderlands group takes a strong stance against border policies that cause environmental degradation. They seek to restore and protect the borderlands that have been damaged by misguided border policies.
Southern Border Communities Coalition
The Southern Border Communities Coalition (SBCC) brings together 60 organizations from San Diego, CA to Brownsville, TX. The SBCC works to ensure that border enforcement policies and practices are accountable and fair, respect human dignity and human rights, and prevent the loss of life in the region. It aims to promote policies and solutions that improve the quality of life in border communities, that advance a positive image of the border region, and that support rational and humane immigration reform policies as opposed to militarization. See Border Lens for a real-time resource about immigration issues on the southern border.
Tucson Samaritans
Samaritans are people of faith and conscience who are responding directly and pragmatically to the crisis at the U.S. and Mexico border. Tucson Samaritans are a diverse volunteer group, united in their desire to relieve suffering among migrants regardless of status and to honor human dignity.