Presentations About the Border
After you visit Arizona and/or Learn More about immigration, share your knowledge and experience with others.
Samaritan Alyson Ball's booklet, "Getting (More) Involved With U.S. Immigration" will give you lots of information and some concrete ideas of what you can do. The last page, "What To Do When You Return Home" suggests talking with a small group of friends or making a more formal presentation at a church, library or school. You may use Alyson's two presentations on the More on Immigration page to enhance your own presentation.
You may use this slideshow about the work of Green Valley-Sahuarita Samaritans. Since the immigration situation is always changing, information will get outdated. After saving the PowerPoint to your computer, you can add or delete slides, or add to existing notes for the presenter. Print this Samaritan brochure to hand out to your audience. Contact Marilyn to borrow a Sams-in-a-Box, which includes artifacts found on desert searches and other materials to enhance your presentation.
Samaritan Alyson Ball's booklet, "Getting (More) Involved With U.S. Immigration" will give you lots of information and some concrete ideas of what you can do. The last page, "What To Do When You Return Home" suggests talking with a small group of friends or making a more formal presentation at a church, library or school. You may use Alyson's two presentations on the More on Immigration page to enhance your own presentation.
You may use this slideshow about the work of Green Valley-Sahuarita Samaritans. Since the immigration situation is always changing, information will get outdated. After saving the PowerPoint to your computer, you can add or delete slides, or add to existing notes for the presenter. Print this Samaritan brochure to hand out to your audience. Contact Marilyn to borrow a Sams-in-a-Box, which includes artifacts found on desert searches and other materials to enhance your presentation.